Friday 5 November 2010

What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to promote a product that makes people want to buy it.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?

The Xbox kinect advert campaign gripped my attention, it has a very interesting and catchy advert.

I like the Apple adverts-they look so slick and clean-they really showcase the products and attract me to them.

I like the advert for Virgin airways. It is so well put together, almost like a Bond movie introduction; it makes me think that air travel is glamorous and exciting.

I like some adverts I have recently seen for beer-but I can't remember the name of the beer-so I am not sure if the advert really worked! The adverts were atmospheric and enticing.

Did you purchase the product?

Kinect - I didn't buy this product because I don't have an Xbox to use it with but if i did I would certainly buy it.

Apple products - I have purchased many apple products and will be getting some more soon.

Virgin airways - I am looking forward to be flying with Virgin next time i go on holydays.

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