Wednesday 17 November 2010

Picture A is The Alpha Female; she looks important and intellectual, someone with a career. She also looks concentrated on something, probably work.

Picture B is The Beauty Bunny I call tell this straight away because she is advertising a beauty product but she is also very attractive.

Picture C is The Fashionista; she is advertising Dior products and she looks very posh, she also looks like someone that cares a lot about how she looks.

Picture D is The Perfect Mum; she is playing with her baby and having fun.

Picture E is The Granny; she looks old but at the same time she looks like she takes care of herself and is important

Friday 12 November 2010

This advert communicates the idea of masculinity through power because he is in a privet jet, he also looks very important and rich at the same time he looks confident and happy.
This advert is also very aspirational because anyone would want to have a lifestyle like this.

This Nivea advert communicates the idea of masculinity through kindness because he is with a kid. I personally found this advert very interesting because it is normally very hard to find a advert of a man that is represented as a dad, however in this advert they have done it very well.

This advert communicates the idea of masculinity through strength because the model is surfing which shows strength. It also shows Sexual attractiveness because he is surfing without a shirt which make it more sexual attractive to woman. And the last idea is that he is independent because he is doing a dangerous sport.

The Tiger Woods advert communicates the idea of masculinity though power since he cheated on his wife and managed to get away with it.
In this ad, Victoria Beckham is presented to look sexually attractive and classy.

She is promoting a under wear and this will make the female audience think that if they buy that underwear the will look sexual attractive like her and the male audience think that if they buy this to their partner they will look good as well.

There is a direct mode of address; it’s use to people to be inspired to be more like her. This fulfils self-actualization, self esteem and love/belonging.

She is in a mid long shot this helps us to recognise and so the audience can see the actual product. She is looking straight at the camera which will make us think she in looking at us.

The product is featured because she’s trying to sell it.

Because this picture is black and white this picture looks more modern and ‘cool’ than if it actually had colour

This image has been obviously been changed because straight away you can see the picture is black and white and no one can be this perfect so her body has been Photo-shopped.

Friday 5 November 2010

What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to promote a product that makes people want to buy it.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?

The Xbox kinect advert campaign gripped my attention, it has a very interesting and catchy advert.

I like the Apple adverts-they look so slick and clean-they really showcase the products and attract me to them.

I like the advert for Virgin airways. It is so well put together, almost like a Bond movie introduction; it makes me think that air travel is glamorous and exciting.

I like some adverts I have recently seen for beer-but I can't remember the name of the beer-so I am not sure if the advert really worked! The adverts were atmospheric and enticing.

Did you purchase the product?

Kinect - I didn't buy this product because I don't have an Xbox to use it with but if i did I would certainly buy it.

Apple products - I have purchased many apple products and will be getting some more soon.

Virgin airways - I am looking forward to be flying with Virgin next time i go on holydays.